Scientific Calculator

(public) sriramvenkataramani1/xo

By sriramvenkataramani1 x

offer to please in the role of

Tagged: apple apples vs.bad

#1/4 digits-add plus one at 1/10,1/100,1/1000/1/100000/1/1000000/1/10000000/1/100000000/1/1000000000.........
x is infinity
1 is 1/9
y is second to none
memory is shaped in 360 degrees/ssd is square at the circumfrence and rpm is 64-multiplied by 360 degrees-
linux cure starts at c
a-b-c-d is square and at 360 degrees.
c-a is x-y
c to b is x+y,etc,,,

spam? | offensive?


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