Scientific Calculator

(public) hermanbergwerf/constants

By hermanbergwerf Herman Bergwerf

Fundamental physical constants

Tagged: #constants #physics

// Source:

c        = 299792458;            // Speed of light
eV       = 1.602176*10^-19;      // Electron volt
h        = 6.626070040*10^-34;   // Planck constant
hbar     = h/(2*pi);             // Reduced Planck constant
G        = 6.67408*10^-11;       // Gravitation constant
kB       = 1.38064852*10^-23;    // Boltzmann constant
R        = 8.3144598;            // Molar gas constant
mu0      = 4*pi*10^-7;           // Vacuum permeability
epsilon0 = 8.854187817*10^-12;   // Vacuum permittivity
ke       = 1/(4*pi*epsilon0);    // Coulomb constant
F        = 96485.33289;          // Faraday constant
me       = 9.10938356*10^-31;    // Electron mass
mp       = 1.672621898*10^-27;   // Proton mass
mn       = 1.674927471*10^-27;   // Neutron mass
u        = 1.660539040*10^-27;   // Atomic mass unit
NA       = 6.022140857*10^23;    // Avogadro's number
sigma    = 5.670367*10^-8;       // Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Rinf     = 10973731.568508;      // Rydberg constant
muB      = 927.4009994*10^-26;   // Bohr magneton
phi0     = 2.067833831*10^-15;   // Flux quantum
a0       = 0.52917721067*10^-10; // Bohr radius
atm      = 101325;               // Standard atmosphere
b        = 2.8977729*10^-3;      // Wien displacement constant

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