Scientific Calculator

(public) godbreak/matlab

By godbreak Guangmu Zhu

The script contains some functions as Matlab

Tagged: matlab

var subm = function(x, row, col) {
	size = dim(x);
	if len(size) != 2 ->
		error(concat("Not a matrix: ", string(x)));
	if len(dim(row)) != 1 ->
		error(concat("Not a list: ", string(row)));
	if len(dim(col)) != 1 ->
		error(concat("Not a list: ", string(col)));
	for i in row ->
		if i < 1 or i > size[0] ->
			error(concat("row out of range: ", string(i)));
	for i in col ->
		if i < 1 or i > size[1] ->
			error(concat("col out of range: ", string(i)));
	subm = zeros(len(row), len(col));
	for i in range(len(row)) ->
		for j in range(len(col)) ->
			subm[i][j] = x[row[i] - 1][col[j] - 1];

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